Updating enterprise infrastructure can feel frustrating if there’s no plan in place.

This post contains some of the material we are presenting at our ASUG Chapter Group appearances this year on S/4 HANA. Follow us on Twitter for further information.

We’ve discussed the concerns professionals may have about minimizing enterprise disruption and securing ROI when preparing for S/4 HANA. In the last of this three-part series, we’ll look at the notion of “transformation fatigue”. You may not have used this particular term before, but it’s possible your organization has felt it, and it can be a challenge if you’re trying to stay up-to-date.

Challenge #3: “Transformation Fatigue”

Far more organizations seem to want to implement new tech than actually get to do so. Adapting to S/4 HANA might mean abandoning or replacing older custom solutions that won’t work with SAP’s product line. The years spent developing and testing add-ons can seem wasted, especially if you’ve spent year after year trying to migrate onto previous offerings.

Pacing is a key factor to transformation readiness. Enough time may not have passed between a previous major change and the looming work needed to take part in S/4 HANA. However, that’s only true if you have a black and white view of storage and hosting.

Solution: Hybrid Cloud Strategy

The reality of modern data management is more sophisticated than a simple choice between on-premises and the cloud. SAP mentions five different options for cloud deployment, but the hybrid cloud can be seen as the general solution to the more overwhelming aspects of your path to development.

Incremental changes can put a greater emphasis on what’s working throughout your interactions with the cloud, as well as grant you a balance of control and access. You could place documents in the SAP Cloud Document Center to start with the decision to transport them elsewhere later. The right expertise can guide a plan like this to fruition in a way that feels preventative. A massive move thus becomes something more manageable with clear rewards.